How to Get Parents Involved in Fundraisers
Whether organizing the fundraising event of the season or just chipping in a bit, parents have a lot to contribute, especially this time of year.
There are many easy ways to raise money for your school or sports team if you put your mind to it. Yet many parents are hesitant to get involved in fundraising efforts or find they are strapped for time. That’s understandable since parents have a lot going on between work, home responsibilities, and taking care of the family.
Here are some great ways to involve busy parents in fundraisers.
Make Fundraising Efforts Effortless
It sounds silly, but the more straightforward a fundraising effort is, the more likely parents will want to get involved. This means outlining goals — whether financial or otherwise — upfront and in clear terms.
Also, outline how these goals should be met, whether through a bake sale, car washes or spirit sock fundraiser. Be sure to distribute fliers with all the pertinent information so that parents can program the details into their calendars.
Get Everyone Involved
Everyone should be able to participate, but you should let people know that everyone is welcome. While many fundraising events are hosted by school groups like PTAs or PTOs, it should be advertised that parents who aren’t active in those groups can participate, too.
One idea is to host an ice cream social or a coffee event so people can get more information. Not only is it a good way to advertise the goals of your fundraising efforts, but it can get parents acclimated to your group. When parents feel like they are a part of something, they are more likely to participate.
Meet Parents Where They Are
Parents are busy people! Between parent-teacher conferences, coordinating school and afterschool activities, work, and keeping the household running, parents have a lot on their plate. It’s easy for them to sometimes miss communications, especially if they are posted on channels where they may not spend a lot of time.
Instead of only using one method to communicate (e.g., email), consider promoting fundraising events through a variety of channels, including social media, text messages, phone calls, and email. You’ll want to tread carefully so as to not overwhelm them, but you should also make a solid effort to meet them on the channels they use.
Most parents want to help out however they can; they simply lack the time to be more proactive about getting involved. Following these simple tips can ensure that you give willing parents the right opportunities to get involved in fundraising efforts — and to enjoy them along the way!